Alexei Berdnik Сообщений: 831 На сайте с 2012 г. Рейтинг: 1173
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17 августа 2019 10:29 takeuwithme написал: [q] I cropped it to just indicate the one I want, and I probably don't even need that translated - I just need the F Lange and Tekla Francisca Reniliska or something. I cropped this beceause I believe the underlined is the marriage of them and the next underlined is the next person. If it's about another person, you don't need to translate. Is Tekla Helga? Is the F in Lange Frederich? Who witnessed the marriage? I will just attach it here, hope that is ok. Hopefully that makes sense
diza написал:
[q] Well, let's take a look your document first.
Hi Tami, The document is really hard to read (both handwriting and resolution) but it surely mentions: German/Herman? and deceased Marianna(?) maiden name ….. (hard to read) spouses Lange… who is 20 years old…. It also mentions Tekla Francisca Reniliska …living on Muranovskaya (?) street ….born in Praha (suburb) of Warsaw, daughter of Andrew (Andrey)… --- Бердник, Грибанов- Вяжновка, Суражский У, Черниговская губ.
Федосеев - Акимовка, Таврическая/Запорожская. Очеретяный - Екатеринославской, Нехвороща Полтавской, Терещенко-Черниговской, Приморской. Сапега - Гомельской. Зыблев - Пенчин, Гомельской |