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Вниз ⇊

Iwan Slobodniuk

Slobodianiuk (Слободянюк) or Slobodianyk/Slobodianik (Слободяник

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Melbourne Australia
Сообщений: 63
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 11
Looking for information of my father who died in 1960 in Australia.He was Iwan Slobodniuk (Slobodianiuk (Слободянюк) or Slobodianyk/Slobodianik (Слободяник)He as born in Khmyl'nik in 1920. His father was Pfokof and mother Aklynya Kuczerawy. In 1942 he was taken to Seedorf. He said on his immigration papers in 1949 his parents were dead and his 3 brothers and sisters he thought were alive . I do not know their names.He married Evdokia Dumiak from Luka Lviv in 1947

Прикрепленный файл: Details 2.jpg
Michael Slobodniuk Melbourne Australia

Melbourne Australia
Сообщений: 63
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 11
From Fallingbostel in 1949

Прикрепленный файл: Father.jpg
Michael Slobodniuk Melbourne Australia
F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

Сообщений: 247
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 14
Hi Michael,

are you sure that he went to Seedorf,
because "he" stated on the immigration form,
that he was
in Wunstorf as a Labourer and later Cement-Concrete Worker

and from 1945 - 47 in Gustedt for a Mining Co.

both towns are very close to each other!!!

There is no mentioning of Seedorf, which is much further away!

...and best of luck, in finding your Aunts and Uncles


Melbourne Australia
Сообщений: 63
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 11
There are 54 pages in his immigration records

Прикрепленный файл: seedorf2.jpg
Michael Slobodniuk Melbourne Australia

Melbourne Australia
Сообщений: 63
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 11
Thanks Frank
I seem to have very little luck as my parents are both passed away

Прикрепленный файл: seedorf.jpg
Michael Slobodniuk Melbourne Australia

Melbourne Australia
Сообщений: 63
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 11
He says he was born in Luka, the same place as my mother. I have his death certificate and it says he was born in Khmyl'nik . This adds to the confusion. Sorry, he was in Seedorf in 1948
Michael Slobodniuk Melbourne Australia
Модератор раздела

Днипро (бывш. Днепропетровск)
Сообщений: 7370
На сайте с 2008 г.
Рейтинг: 4281
Hi Michael,

couln't you help here?
Глушак (Брянск.) Ковалев, Федосенко (Могилевск.)
Оглотков (Горбат. у. НГГ) Алькин Жарков Кульдишов Баландин (Симб. губ.)
Клышкин Власенко Сакунов Кучерявенко (Глухов)
Кириченко Бондаренко Белоус Страшный (Новомоск. Днепроп.)
F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

Сообщений: 247
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 14
Hi Michael,

if he was at Seedorf, it would have to be after the war due to his association,
so 1942 doesn't fit the bill!

But anyway, that's not important,
because you are trying to find your ancestors and relatives!

I sincerely hope that somebody will come across your questions
and have some answers or information for you!

By the way
DP Camp stands for "Displaced Persons Camp"

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Вверх ⇈