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Gukovsky Patricia

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Information on GUKOVSKY family
Please I am looking for information about the Gukovsky Family, I need to know any inforamtion you may have about them, Please write me to m yemail address: patriciagukovsky@yahoo.it

Thank you
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I found you information but can send Your Address is not right
Уважаемые друзья, вновь пришедшие на форум. Очень прошу, прежде чем задать мне вопрос в личку, ну почитайте немного форум.И потом мои знания распространяются не на всю бывшую Российскую империю, а в основном на Нижегородскую губернию.

Hi ! Please if you can send it to this address:

patriciagukovsky@yahoo.it (The message came as a spam and the system blocked it so would you try again please ? I already fixed it but I lost the email that you sent to me.

Or you can also use this email:

I don't understand any russian so I am having a hard time trying to get this information to you, thank you Tatiana. I am very interested in searching information about my GUKOVSKY family because my grandfather apparently only had one sister alive in Russia when he came across the ocean and arrived to Venezuela. He lost contact with her but I really would like to find out if I have more family around the world.

Thank for your interest!

Hi Tatiana!

I really hope this message comes through to you. I received some message as a spam from you but I couldn't not open it and I lost it. I am searching information about my Gukovsky family since my grandfather came here to Venezuela in the year 1952 approximately, he arrived on a vessel and then stayed here, married my grandmother and they had 7 children, my father was his oldest son, we don't know for sure his complete story because he did not talked a lot about it. I understand that his father (my great grandfather) Teodoro Gukovsky was russian and his wife apparently was from Polland, her name was Efigenia Czwikowa. What we know is that my grandfather Valentнn Gukovsky was born in a town that now belongs to Ucraine called LVov or L ViV or Lemberg. We know that he went to the University of Varsovia but he could not finish because he was recruited for fighting in the war when he was 18. After the war he went to Austria and studied to be a cook, he got certificated and then he came here to Venezuela. he said he only had a sister in Russia but he lost contact and we don't know now whether we have family alive or not and who they are.
If there is something that you know that can help me, I really appreciate any help.

Thanks again for your attention.

Patricia Gukovsky
F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

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Hi Tatiana,

I am trying to help!
please send the information to me and
I will forward it to Patricia Gukovsky.

Thank you,
F. Martinoff
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