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  vsevks (Кисляков Всеволод Владленович)
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Кисляков Всеволод Владленович

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Сообщения vsevks (1)

Тема: Zhukowskij in St Petersburg circa 1870-1890
20.01.2024, 15:42

>> Ответ на сообщение пользователя TeaCedgard от 21 июля 2023 3:31

Speaking about his origins we can assume that he was of russian descent. His patrimonic name and so is his name are 100% russian. However, the family name with the ending "skiy" may trace him to the western parts of Russia, including Ukraine and Poland, where the root zhuk (the typical russian variant will be like Zhukov) was presumably westernized. . Also, I should mention that there was a number of noblemen in the 19th century with that family name, so who knows, if he was one of them.

If the marriage between your ancestors was concluded in Saint Petersburg, there is a great possibility that it was recorded and preserved in church books. In this record you may find information on his rang (if any), his social class, place of birth/origin. However, the city was that big, that looking through all of the books may be a tough job to do. Also there must be a record of Pelagias birth in the church, where you can find that information as well. The best thing to suggest in your situation is to hire a genealogy specialist for the exact that questions (birth of the Pelagia first and the marriage second). From an overall perspective, if he was in the military it will be an easy target for the professional to find him. If you can precise the information you already have, probably the community could share some insights on your case.