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Search of Сольницкий/Solnicki

Is part of my family still in Russia?

← Назад    Вперед →Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 1
На сайте с 2016 г.
Рейтинг: 2
Hello, this is my first post.

I am looking for my cousin, but I don't speak russian well (I can recognize russian letter and read single name/word, but nothing more). Could you possibly help me?

The father of person I am looking for was Walenty Solnicki (Валентий францович Сольницкий). He was born in 1798 and worked as high-rank official in Poland (occupied by Russia at the time). He have had two sons, Julian and Cezar/Cezary. I have an information, that Walenty was decorated with St. Vladimir order, the family was confirmed nobles in 1851.

His older son, Julian Solnicki, was studying at the military school in St Petersburg: https://forum.vgd.ru/1406/61256/0.htm?a=stdforum_view&o=
932. Сольницкий, Юлиан, didn't graduate. Any ideas, why was that so? Is it possible he died during the course? What are the other reasons people didn't finish the course? Where to look for traces of Julian? Is it possible he stayed in Russia?

The father, Walenty, was retired in 1862/63 and moved to his country residence near Kielce, Poland, where he died.

If it could be of any help, here are scans of official documents for Walenty's career, also in russian: http://www.agad.gov.pl/CWW/Gal..._190_0130/
Я из Польши, я не говорю по русскому хорошо, извините за мои ошибки!


Сообщений: 2000
На сайте с 2015 г.
Рейтинг: 3461
A brief google search shows a lot of Solnicky in Russia.
Did you tried to contact some of them to start a coop research?
← Назад    Вперед →Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
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