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15 января 2022 0:47 Phizik написал: [q] kursha19 is going to the archives on 17th of january 2022 to look for the birth (or baptism) record of Matryona Feodorovna CHERKASOVA.
So we'll have the record in a few days.
What can we expect from it. I know what's in the french records but what information can we found on russian birth records ? What will we have to do after that ?
Thanks again for eveything you've done ![/q]
As user jrw wrote you got from othodox baptism record mentioned information + social statuses and places for residence for recipients. Some of recipient might be a relatives for parents. From wedding record you may get ages of the bride and the groom also. It may contain full names, social statuses and places for residence for newlyweds' fathers. It contain the same information (full names, social statuses and places for residence) about guarantors. |