Swinchell Новичок
Сообщений: 1 На сайте с 2020 г. Рейтинг: 2 | Наверх ##
21 ноября 2020 2:28 Hello I have family history that gives me information of my 3rd great grandfather. He is listed as mixed (Alaskan Native and Russian) I have church records indicating his father was Feodor Tret'iakov. My 3rd great grandfather was Venedikt Tret'iakov, born 1839. He lived on Bristol Bay in a town called Egegik. His son was Vasilii Tret'iakov, born 1876 and Vasilii's son was Finney Tretikoff, born 1916. My grandmother was Olga Tretikoff, born 1935. I would really like to find information on the family of Feodor Tret'iakov. |