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Suche nach Informationen über Heinrich Hoyer /Zarskoje Celo

Suche nach Informationen über Heinrich Hoyer /Zarskoje Celo / 1834 / Leib-Husaren-Regiment

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov


Сообщений: 23738
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 19881

robinhoodhh написал:
I think I will spent the next evenings with reading.......

robinhoodhh написал:
I would be interested which regiment could be meant and if there are any sources for this regiment (e.g. chronic of regiment / lists of officers / soldiers etc.)

You wanted to know more information about this regiment!
A nice evenings yahoo.gif
Платным поиском не занимаюсь. В личке НЕ консультирую. Задавайте, пож-ста, вопросы в соответствующих темах, вам там ответЯТ.
митоГаплогруппа H1b


рядом с Гамбургом / Германией
Сообщений: 39
На сайте с 2009 г.
Рейтинг: 5

anto написал:

robinhoodhh schrieb:

Alle diese Einträge in geni.com wurden von mir erstellt.
[/ q]

War Heinrich Ludwig Hoyer der Vater von Therese Elisabeth Hoyer (Teresa Andreevna Goyer) https://www.geni.com/people/%D...1583713929 oder nicht?
Sie wurde 1849 geboren, ihr Vater war Heinrich Hoyer, sie lebte mit ihrem Ehemann in Sankt Petersburg - aber war es Heinrich Ludwig Hoyer oder ein anderer Heinrich Hoyer - ich weiß es nicht.

Hello Anto,

thanks for this information, but I am afraid this is not the right Heinrich Hoyer (the name is also quite common in German....).

The genealogical line goes like this:

Heinrich (Ludwig) Hoyer, born 1799 at Hanover, Germany
Worked as "Берейторъ" at .Лейб-гвардии Гусарский Его Величества полк between 1834-1850 (estimated)

1. Marriage: Carolina Rosalia Schumacher (marriage must have taken place before 1834)
1.1 Child: Mathilde Caroline Hoyer, 1834–1840 born 24 NOV 1834 • Zarskoe-Selo, Russia, death 20 JUL 1840 • Zarskoje-Selo (all data from churchbooks evan.-luth. Zarskoje-Selo)
1.2 Child: Bertha Catharina Hoyer, 1839– ???, birth 23 DEC 1839 • Zarskoje Selo, death: unknown

2. Marriage: Louise Friedrike Bernhardine (von) Both, 1822– ????, birth 29 JAN. 1822 • Hanover.Germany
2.1 Child: Alexandra Friederike Hoyer, 1848– ???, birth 17 JAN 1848 • Semjonow, Oblast, Nischni Nowgorod, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russland, death unknown, bapzized evan.-luth. churchbook of Pawlowsk, 12 Jun 1850
2.2 Child: Eduard Peter Johann Hoyer, 1850–1888, birth 25 MAY 1850 • Semjonow, Oblast, Nischni Nowgorod, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, death 02 OCT 1888 • Saint Petersburg, Russia, baptized same date as 2.1.

Thats all I have found during the last 10 years, so every single information will be helpful to go on.




рядом с Гамбургом / Германией
Сообщений: 39
На сайте с 2009 г.
Рейтинг: 5

Sie wollten mehr Informationen über dieses Regiment wissen!
Schöne Abende

.....and I will enjoy them a lot !
- its cold outside
- have some tea
- something historical to read
- and a lot more questions after reading 101.gif

Thats what makes such research interesting in my mind !
And maybe my Russian will improve a little biggrin1.gif


Сообщений: 5753
На сайте с 2009 г.
Рейтинг: 4385

robinhoodhh написал:
but I am afraid this is not the right Heinrich Hoyer (the name is also quite common in German....).

But in Russia in Saint-Petersburg there were not many persons with the name Heinrich Hoyer at that time. I see except Heinrich (Ludwig) Hoyer only Heinrich Leopold Hoyer, born in 1815, married in 1845. Maybe he was the father of Therese Elisabeth Hoyer (Teresa Andreevna Goyer) ?


рядом с Гамбургом / Германией
Сообщений: 39
На сайте с 2009 г.
Рейтинг: 5

anto написал:

robinhoodhh schrieb:

aber ich fürchte, das ist nicht der richtige Heinrich Hoyer (der Name ist auch auf Deutsch durchaus üblich ....).
[/ q]

Aber in Russland in Sankt Petersburg gab es zu dieser Zeit nicht viele Personen mit dem Namen Heinrich Hoyer. Ich sehe außer Heinrich (Ludwig) Hoyer nur Heinrich Leopold Hoyer, geboren 1815, verheiratet 1845. Vielleicht war er der Vater von Therese Elisabeth Hoyer (Teresa Andreevna Goyer)?

I think Therese is not related to "my" Heinrich Hoyer. Keep in mind the two births from the second marriage. They take place in 1848 and 1850 AND all briths are registered according to the churchbook as taken place in Semjonow, far away from St. Petersburg where Heinrich Hoyer was serving at that time.

The main problem I found over the years of searching is: The German name "Hoyer" can also be spelled "Heuer", "Hoier" or "Hojer" and the Russian translation varies between "Гоиер", "Хоиер", "Гоер", or "Хоер"...... this makes it really painful to translate back a found name from Russian to German.......you never know whats the original German spelling a_003.gif

The line I am researching seams to start with the Russian name "Хоиер" and later switched to "Гоиер" (according to addressbook entries from St. Petersburg).

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
Генеалогический форум » Message board » People and ancestors search in Russia » For English speaking users; Für Deutschsprechende » Suche nach Informationen über Heinrich Hoyer /Zarskoje Celo [тема №113832]
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