Наверх ##
22 июня 2020 0:16 22 июня 2020 0:23 Hi, names such as «Kopriskolrema» are atypical for Russian cities. I may suggest that it is more likely to be Finnish or Estonian, because these territories belonged to Russian Empire until 1917-18 and Finno-Ugric toponyms often contain word «maa» which means «land». We still have similar toponyms in Karelia, for instance. Unfortunately, brief overview of Finnish and Estonian localities led to nothing, but maybe you’ll have better luck. http://www.genealogia.fi/hakem/osoitteet/http://www.etomesto.ru/map/pet.../index.jpg --- Федосеев, Назолин, Белов, - Нижегородская Обл. Захаричев, - Петербург. Кобылкин, - Омск.
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