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Погуляевы Pogulyaev

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Модераторы: N_Volga, Asmodeika, Радомир

Сообщений: 5
На сайте с 2019 г.
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Hello, maybe I ask too much.

May I ask does anyone know of village Shevchenko Kiev, do any photographs exist of this area? I believe it was where Kin-sadness park is now.
Many thanks

Сообщений: 5
На сайте с 2019 г.
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The freed-up lands were made available to third parties under hay. Thus, on the territory of the Osokorkivka village council, the state farm "Krukivsky" was managed, the state farm of the People's Commissar of Land Affairs of Poznyakivsk , and in the Resurrection Slobidka in the Kulikovsky tract there were subsidiary farms of a cotton factory and an orthopedic institute.

Probably, due to the depressed state of the villages of the Kiev Left Bank due to natural disasters, the city council resorted to reducing taxes. At least in 1932-1933 , the level of tax burden in them was lower than in the settlements located nearby. Thus, in 1932 , by basic culture - beaver, the plan was set for individuals in Troyeshchyna at 4.3 % of the gross fee, in Voskresenskaya Slobidka and Poznyaky - 8.2 %, Osokorky - 9.4 %, Bortnichy - 11, 6 %, Vygurivshchyna - 12.6 %, while in Knyazychi and Gogol - 21.5 %, and in Krasylivka - 26.5 % [27] .

The plan for the harvesting of potatoes in the village of Poznyaki, which was recommended by the finest department of the City Council and approved at a meeting of the village council on October 15 , 1932 , provided for a centralized harvesting of 2.2 tons. Of these, for farmers - 0.5 tons (or 15.5 kg per yard) and 1.7 tons for 13 individuals [28] . The milk harvesting plan was set at 195 liters per year, respectively, per cow - for single-parent households and 119 liters - for collective farmers. Concerning the plan of meat preparation (it was determined in the live weight of the cattle and poultry receiving point), it was approved on November 11 for the period from October 1 , 1932 to January 1 , 1934 and amounted to 58 farmers for the collective farmers , and for the village individuals. - 5,7 t. [29] .

The massive influx of residents of settlements affected by floods to businesses has prompted the authorities to revise the original plans for collectivization.

In fact, already in the summer of 1931 , the reverse process began - the elimination of collective farms. The first to stop the collective farm in the Red Farm. Without even waiting for a new harvest, the men went off to do hazing, and the women refused to work during the working hours. To raise cattle on a farm with 18 cows and 5 horses, the head of the collective farm hired workers [30] .

The authorities did everything to ensure that this fact was not widely publicized. Initially, by the decision of the Kyivkolkhozcenter, the collective farm property was transferred to the balance of the Osokorki artel “Lozoplet”, renaming it “Industrial collective farm”. However, later another plan emerged, which was implemented in November 1931 : to connect the Red Farm to the village of Poznyaky and to unite the branch of Promkolkhoz with the Poznyak collective farm. Year 3 of the Five Year Plan.

As there was no official settlement in the register of settlements of Kyiv region under the name of the Red Farm , the officials of the land department, who were preparing the issue of merger for consideration at the meeting of the Presidium of the Kyiv City Council, had the idea to use the old name and rename the farm to the Red Mill . the moment they refused.

Thus, the collective farm them. Shevchenko finally managed to eliminate, but he left the memory of himself, and in a rather unexpected form. Very soon his name spread to the part of the Red Farm, where his board was located and was inhabited by "enthusiasts" collective farmers. Already at the end of 1931 the name of the new settlement - the village of Shevchenko - was first mentioned in the documents of the Poznyakiv Village Council [31] .

A two-stage model of the administrative-territorial structure

The above is something I found on my fathers village. I apologise for my poor computer skills. This is my fathers Village. I am looking for residents of Red Farm or state farm Krukivsky.
Many thanks

Сообщений: 5
На сайте с 2019 г.
Рейтинг: 0

TaniaAb написал:

This topic for communication with relatives and namesakes - potential relatives

For those whose family geography:
- in the first half of the twentieth century. - Saratov region: Dergachevsky, Ozinsky and Pugachevsky districts.
- in the second half of the 19th century. - Nikolaev and Novouzensky districts of the Samara province.
- in the first half of the 19th century. and deeper - Ukraine and Transcaucasia (Elizavetpol province, according to family tradition).


I too search for Pogulyaevs, My father's father was Aleksi Danilovich Pogulyaev. Aleksi we were told was born 1907 Novozybkov, Belarus. He married Maria Grigoryevna Pilipchuck and they lived in Kyiv when my father was born in 1929. Any help finding family would be greatly appreciated.

Я тоже ищу Погуляевых, Отцом моего отца был Алексей Данилович Погуляев. Как нам сказали, Алексей родился в 1907 году в Новозыбкове, Беларусь. Он женился на Марии Григорьевне Пилипчук, и они жили в Киеве, когда мой отец родился в 1929 году. Мы будем благодарны за любую помощь в поиске семьи.
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Модераторы: N_Volga, Asmodeika, Радомир
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