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Schatz David

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In search of Sveta from Kamyzyak
I am searching for a "Svetlana" that is 28 or 29 years old that lives in Kamyzyak. I wish I could be more specific but unfortunately, that is most of the information I have. I know she is 5'5'' and 110 pounds (170 centimeters & 50 kilogrammes). Her birthday is April 29. She has blonde hair and is very attractive! I met her through E-mail but My email is not working correctly or I have the spelling incorrect. I just want her to know that I can read her emails that she sends me but I can not respond. The email I have is Svetiksemicvetik1979@------------.com. If anyone can help me get in contact with Sveta I would appreciate it very much so!!!!! My e-mail is schatz027@yahoo.com
Thankyou and Good Day
Good Luck dude. You may want to google mailto:Svetiksemicvetik.... Let me know what you find out.

In search of Sveta from Kamyzyak

hey man, I think she is a scam, I would be very weray of her. She has been emailing me too. About how much she loves me and wants to meet me. she sends all of these beatuiful oictures of herself. Another reason I belive she is a fake is she has emailed me from three different emails in the last month. all begining with svetiksemicvetik1979 the last one is @gardeners.com. and another @inbox.com
Which is really strange since that is a Gardening website. What ever you do I would NOT, I repeat I would NOT send her any kind of money, or even too much personal information about yourself.
I had my friends trace the email, and it is infact coming from Russia, but This whole thing is very strange. When ever I ask her about how She came across me, and what "agency" she bought my email from, She never answers. I have also asked her why she feels so deeply for me as she has expressed, and agin she never answers, just keeps saying more and more how much she wants to be with me. I have not even been that nice to her, Not mean, but not anyway that I would say would cause to fall in love with me. She just keeps saying how much she loves me and wants to be with me and then sends another picture. She has even sent me very intiamant pictures, I belive in hopes just to woo me over, and stop asking questions that she does not want to answer.

Any way man Good luck, And be very careful
and if you search svetiksemicvetik she is an old overweight woman on a singles site. This Sveta from Kaymzyak never anwers my questions either.
I as well am getting these emails,
i have replied and got no response just pictures now, and her sexual preference,
at least something interesting, but i decided to search. i am sure its a scame some mail order bride scam.
i too have been less that nice, making fun of her english, and asking and demaning naked pics, but she just loves me more and more.
no respons. so i guess i will see how far it goes and see when they ask for money.
← Назад    Вперед →Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
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