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  allaaiz, Born in Kiev. Live in America since 1979
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Сообщения allaaiz (12)

Тема: РУССКИЙ ХАРБИН (Harbin Russians...To remember)
9.09.2014, 4:29

Hello... I am looking for Michail Bocharov, who at the time of the revolution in 1917, left Russia and went to live to Charbin and/or Shanghai, China with his family.
Have you ever came across this name?
Thank You...

Тема: Метрические записи Лютеранской церкви Самарской губернии
5.03.2013, 17:11

Dear Lilia, Thank You so much, but the names do not sound familiar to me.... I think it may not be Samara.
Do you have a chance to look into gorod Orel? Kaufman: Chaim (born around 1850s), his children: Yefim, Moishe (Michail) b.1872, Sonya, Tzipa (Tzipora) b. 1893 and her children Naum (Nikolai) b.1897 and Feiga (Faina) b.1893.
Thank you so much again for your help, Alla

Тема: Kaufman(n)
20.08.2012, 0:25

Sorry, tried auto translation. It is so bad... I'd rather write in English...
Huge thanks to everyone. I found out that "my" Kaufman might actually be from Orel, not Samara. Do you know where can I find forum for people looking for kantonists, settled in Orel. Or Kaufman family that lived in Orel...
I appreciate everyone's response.
Also, is there a way , I can be notified, when I have any response? Right now I have to go to the website, to check, if anyone replied. Thanks...

Тема: Самарская губерния (до 1917 г.)
20.08.2012, 0:19

Sorry, tried autotranslation. It is so bad... I'd rather write in English...
Huge thanks to everyone. I found out that "my" Kaufman might actually be from Orel, not Samara. Do you know where can I find forum for people looking for kantonists, settled in Orel. Or Kaufman family that lived in Orel...
I appreciate everyone's response.
Also, is there a way , I can be notified, when I have any response? Right now I have to go to the website, to check, if anyone replied. Thanks...

Тема: Kaufman(n)
10.05.2012, 8:17

Valek, Thank You so much! My Haim was born much earlier... Probably in 1820s or 30s... But your link helped me unexpectedly to find someone else, who died in blockade. So thanks again...

Валек, большое Вам спасибо! Мой Хаим родился значительно раньше... Вероятно, в 1820х или 30х... Но Ваша ссылка неожиданно помогла мне найти еще погибших в блокаду. Еще раз спасибо...

Тема: Kaufman(n)
10.05.2012, 8:14

To all who answered - thank You so much!. I really appreciate it.

Katerina and Valek and others - huge Thank You...

Can anyone have a chance to look in the archives in Samara? I will provide more details.

Haim Kaufman was born probably in 1820s or
30s. As I said, He was kantonist and a son of one... Look at my first post.

Haim lived in Samara after the service. He had children: Yefim, Michail (or most likely Moishe), Tziporrah (my Great Grandmother) and Sonya. They all born in Samara.

How do I get notified, if I have answer?

Sorry, so hard to type one letter at a time in Russian . My keyboard is in English... I apologize!


Спасибо всем ответившим, я очень признательна.
Не сможет ли кто-то поискать в Самаре?
Хаим Кауфман родился предположительно в 1820-30-х гг, он был кантонистом и сыном... - см. мой первый пост.
Хаим жил в Самаре после ухода с военной службы. У него были дети: Ефим, Михаил (вероятно, Мойша), Ципора (моя прабабка) и Соня. Все они родились в Самаре.
Как я узнаю, если будет ответ?
Извините за английский

Тема: Метрические записи Лютеранской церкви Самарской губернии
23.03.2012, 1:31

Thank you so much.// Kaufman is correct spelling. Have a good vacation 101.gif

Тема: Метрические записи Лютеранской церкви Самарской губернии
23.03.2012, 1:28

Could you please look up Kaufman last name .
Don't have Russian keyboard. Sorry...
Thank you very much,

Тема: Самарская губерния (до 1917 г.)
6.03.2012, 2:44

Hello again,
In your list of Kaufman names, i found one name that is also very interesting to me: 4 47 Кауфман Михаил Васильевич ? Where can i find out more? Thank you, Alla

Тема: Самарская губерния (до 1917 г.)
6.03.2012, 2:35

Huge thank you for this information. I will follow thi links you recomended. Sorry do not have russian keyboard. Alla

Тема: Kaufman(n)
3.03.2012, 20:57


Sorry for typing in English. Don't have Russian keyboard...

I am not sure how to use your forum, but I am looking for information on Kaufman(n) living in Samara in mid to late 1800ds.

My Great Great grandfather was kantonist, who settle in this city after the service in Tzar's Alexander II army. His first name I believe, was Haim.
His father was also kantonist but in army of Tzar Nicolai I. Don't know where he lived or his name.

Haim had daughter Tzipporah (my Great Grandmother) and other children.
She run away (possibly St. Petersburg) with Russian officer, that was staying in Samara at that time (first name Vladimir. My Great Grandfather. Don't know last name).
Tziporrah converted to Christianity and had two children: my Grandfather Naum (Nikolai) and his sister Fenya (Fanya).
Then she left her husband and came back home with children.
Her father Haim was furious at her for running away and converting. He took his little grandchildren from her and throw her out of the house .
He gave children his last name - Kaufman(n)
Probably at that time, he changed my grandfather's first name as well, from Nikolai to Naum, but my grandfather could change it later himself, I am not sure.

I 'd like to know:
If there is a record of Haim Kaufman, kantonist, living in Samara... Anything on his life. Anything on his father's first name, so I can search life of his father the kantonist also. Their wife names, etc. anything...

If there is a record of Tziporrah, marrying Vladimir ? Russian officer. I want to know his last name. He was my Great Grandfather and I don't know anything about him, because my grandfather last name was changed...

Appreciate your help. Sorry for typing in English, I don't have Russian keyboard...

Thank You So Much,

Alla 101.gif

Тема: Метрические записи Лютеранской церкви Самарской губернии
3.03.2012, 20:31


Sorry for typing in English. Don't have Russian keyboard...

I am not sure how to use your forum, but I am looking for information on Kaufman(n) living in Samara in mid to late 1800ds.

My Great Great grandfather was kantonist, who settle in this city after the service in Tzar's Alexander II army. His first name I believe, was Haim.
His father was also kantonist but in army of Tzar Nicolai I. Don't know where he lived or his name.

Haim had daughter Tzipporah (my Great Grandmother) and other children.
She run away (possibly St. Petersburg) with Russian officer, that was staying in Samara at that time (first name Vladimir. My Great Grandfather. Don't know last name).
Tziporrah converted to Christianity and had two children: my Grandfather Naum (Nikolai) and his sister Fenya (Fanya).
Then she left her husband and came back home with children.
Her father Haim was furious at her for running away and converting. He took his little grandchildren from her and throw her out of the house .
He gave children his last name - Kaufman(n)
Probably at that time, he changed my grandfather's first name as well, from Nikolai to Naum, but my grandfather could change it later himself, I am not sure.

I 'd like to know:
If there is a record of Haim Kaufman, kantonist, living in Samara... Anything on his life. Anything on his father's first name, so I can search life of his father the kantonist also. Their wife names, etc. anything...

If there is a record of Tziporrah, marrying Vladimir ? Russian officer. I want to know his last name. He was my Great Grandfather and I don't know anything about him, because my grandfather last name was changed...

Appreciate your help. Sorry for typing in English, I don't have Russian keyboard...

Thank You So Much,

Alla 101.gif