| GorbenkoShoomiloff Christina Shoomiloff Создайте аккаунт или войдите, чтобы отправить личное сообщение этому пользователю и увидеть его полные контактные данные |
Сообщения GorbenkoShoomiloff (2)Тема: Шульц (Schulz) 23.09.2024, 18:56
Hello! I'm hoping someone is able to help me...My grandmother's maiden name was Von Schultz. Her father was Sergey Alexandrovich (sometimes written as Avgustovich) von Schultz. He was a white army Naval officer that was evacuated with the North Western Army and ended up in Riga where my grandmother was born. I knew he had a sister but was unsure of her name (I thought it was Emilia - later found it was Elena) and I knew she was married to a "Jean de Frank". I found documentation where my great grandfather identifies Jean de Frank as his brother in law. What I didn't know was that there was a brother, Evgeny. I recently found a letter where my grandmother Irina Gorbenko (Von Schultz) reached out to Иван де Франк in California about her father and there is reference to Evgeny and all their time together in the flot in Saint Petersburg. I'm not sure if anyone has any more information about them or knows where I could find more about this side of my family. I can't find very much about Elena von Schultz or Evgeny von Schultz. Living in the US it is very hard to find Russian genealogical information. Regardless, I have many family documents and some photos I'm willing to share if anyone is interested or willing to help. It's thanks to a post about Olga von Stein on the Kortik forum that I even learned of Evgeniy's existence...that has been a fun rabbit hole I've gone down. I was able to find the following "article" about my great grand uncle:
According to documents I have and have found Sergey (and Evgeny) von Schultz's parents were Aleksandr von Schultz and Elisabeth v. Muller. Sergey was born in "Petrograd" on 24 April 1876. He married Evgenia Vladimirovna Rezvaia (Parents were Vladimir Vassilievich Rezvoy and Alexandra/Alexandrine Ivanonva Lebedeva) who was a graduate of the Marinskii Institute. Again, I have more details but I am having a hard time tracing certain family members - especially because of the Germanic names - patronymics weren't always correct. Thanks in advance!
Тема: Ревизские сказки о Тропиных 23.08.2024, 0:12
Hello, I was wondering if you are researching the Tropin family that ended up in Kherson (supposedly from Vologda because they were Old Believers). I am the great-great granddaughter of Aleksandr Stepanovich Tropin. Do you have any information about the family in Vologda that you'd be willing to share? Thanks in advance! Christina Shoomiloff