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Сообщения Kihlgast (3)Тема: KIHLGAST, KIELGAST, KILGAST, Кильгастъ, Кельгастъ 14.03.2016, 4:30
If you could you please do me the favour of writing a new message to me, in which you write exactly what it says on the picture you sent me? Because - if you don't, then I can not understand anything at all other than the year mentioned (1878)
Translated via google: Если вы не могли бы вы оказать мне услугу написания нового сообщения для меня, в котором вы пишете то, что написано на картинке вы послали меня? Потому что - если вы этого не сделаете, то я ничего не могу понять вообще, кроме года упомянутый (1878 г.)
Many thanks/spasibo in advance :-)
Тема: KIHLGAST, KIELGAST, KILGAST, Кильгастъ, Кельгастъ 9.11.2015, 5:11
Hello again,
Forgot to mention, that my Great GrandFather (GGF) Johan Karl was a glass blower or glass factory worker or something similar - just like most of the male Kihlgast's/Kielgast's/Kilgast's were at the time. Their families travelled far and migrated or even emigrated to get work - or to get the best work available. They went from Russia to Finland - from Finland to Sweden - from Sweden to Denmark and from Denmark to Germany. Some even went to USA. I have a single living relative in Flensburg, Germany, but he is not interested in helping me with this, I'm sorry to say :-( And I don't know why he won't help me? So I am humbly asking any of you people in here to perhaps find some Russian ancestors. Cause I know they/you exist 
I suspect, that most or all of the Kihlgast's originally came from Germany, but I am not sure at all. They might have come from Russia - I don't know!? But I sure want to find out :-)
Thank you for reading this - I hope to hear from you if you have information on any Kihlgast's that you want to share with me. Have a nice day Bo Kihlgast
NB: Above text corrected for errors om February 13, 2016 - also uploaded the photo below. It is my Great Grand Father, Johan Karl KIHLGAST, sitting on the left. / Regards, Bo
Тема: KIHLGAST, KIELGAST, KILGAST, Кильгастъ, Кельгастъ 9.11.2015, 2:39
Dear members of VGD.
I hope that some of you are able to help me track more of my Russian ancestors.
My GGF, Johan Karl (or Carl) Gottlibinpoika KIHLGAST was born Jan. 5, 1873 in Nizhniy Novgorod - he dies in Copenhagen, Denmark on Jan. 22, 1907 He married my GGM, Anna Leena Laurintytär ROMPPANEN, born July 31, 1874 in Juuka, Nunnanlahti, Finland - she died in Copenhagen, Denmark on June 7, 1943.
I have a public tree from 2013 on ancestry.com ... search for KIHLGAST and you will find it. In there you can see many other relativs of mine, among others the brother's of my GGF Johan Karl and his brothers, but also his father, Gottlieb Petter Daniel Kihlgast, who was bon in 1834 in Nizhniy Novgorod, Markola, Russia and died in Malmöhus, Sweden in 1901.
I am most active on my MyHeritage tree - it has 9.000+ persons in it, of whom over 6.000 are linked together, and most of them are also in the tree of Nikolaj Sadolin, called "NobleCircles", comprising of more than 230.000 people, that are all linked to each other in one way or another.
The year 1834 is as far back as I can get with my Kihlgast's, and I've studied my past for more than 10 years now. It's like the KIHLGAST's fell from the sky in 1834. So - where did I/we come from? From Germany or Russia or some other place? Who were they and what did they do?
Any help from you is highly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance 
Best Regards,
Bo Kihlgast Denmark
NB: Above text corrected for a few errors (Monday February 13, 2016), Regards, Bo