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Крестовоздвиженский Дмитрий Иванович

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

Kelli_D написал:
What is your price? It is important!

my - nothing. See personal message =)
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Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.

Сообщений: 40
На сайте с 2014 г.
Рейтинг: 1
I have two questions:

First I'm searching for the death entry of Arthur Evaldovic (Iwanovich or Arthur Robert Emanuel) Hunnius. He died on 29 November 1888 in Moscow. He was an officer in the 12. Astrachanskij regiment, which was stationed in Moscow. He was catholic. Where I could found the entry?

And second the RGWIa has got lists of officer to searching for personnel lists? I ask the RGWIA, if they have got the personnel list of Arthur Hunnius regarding to the 12. Astransskij regiment. Their answer was negative. Could it be, that for Arthur Hunnius a personnel file is existing? Can somebody research in these lists?
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

Kelli_D написал:
First I'm searching for the death entry of Arthur Evaldovic (Iwanovich or Arthur Robert Emanuel) Hunnius. He died on 29 November 1888 in Moscow. He was an officer in the 12. Astrachanskij regiment, which was stationed in Moscow. He was catholic. Where I could found the entry?

This should be in Church Books. I don't know is there are any Catholic Churches were at this time in Moscow. They should be, at least. Those books should be stored in the Central Historical Archive of Moscow. http://www.rusarchives.ru/state/ciam/index.shtml. Currently this archive called the moscow Central Archive. http://mosarchiv.mos.ru/gbu/cgam/index.phpю

According to fond lists http://mosarchiv.mos.ru/uslugi...TzIAM.htm:

however it might not be the ended list.

Kelli_D написал:
And second the RGWIa has got lists of officer to searching for personnel lists? I ask the RGWIA, if they have got the personnel list of Arthur Hunnius regarding to the 12. Astransskij regiment. Their answer was negative. Could it be, that for Arthur Hunnius a personnel file is existing?

A personal file of an officer does not associated with his regiment. It is associated and searchable by officers Last name, First name and Middle name. Any additional information is not required but appreciated.

Kelli_D написал:
I ask the RGWIA, if they have got the personnel list of Arthur Hunnius regarding to the 12. Astransskij regiment. Their answer was negative. Could it be, that for Arthur Hunnius a personnel file is existing?

Most probably that it is not. But, not all personal files are in such officers' catalog.

Kelli_D написал:
Can somebody research in these lists?

You could find someone who is currently working in RGWIA (doing research I mean).
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.

Сообщений: 40
На сайте с 2014 г.
Рейтинг: 1
Well, I don't know, if the archive searched in the officers catalog, because they wrote:

"По данным научно-справочного аппарата архива и при просмотре материалов 12-го гренадерского Астраханского и 15-го пехотного Шлиссельбургского полков сведений о службе Гунниуса Артура Эвальдовича (Артур, Роберт, Эмануил) и Пфундта Эммануеля Юханновича не обнаружено."

I think, they searched especially in the regiment fond.


--> This is a possibilty to search and I will ask the archive for a possible death entry of Arthur Hunnius.

Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

Kelli_D написал:
I think, they searched especially in the regiment fond.

Most probably they were looking bith the catalog and polks' fonds.

Kelli_D написал:
--> This is a possibilty to search and I will ask the archive for a possible death entry of Arthur Hunnius.

Possibly, but if he died after reteirnment than most probably the record of this deafth should be in a ordinary church.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.

Сообщений: 40
На сайте с 2014 г.
Рейтинг: 1
No he died at the age of 24 years.
According to family lore, he died in a duel, but official it was suicide.

Сообщений: 40
На сайте с 2014 г.
Рейтинг: 1

after researching now I know, that Dmitry Krestovozdivzhenskiy was born in Kostroma. Later the family moved to St. Petersburg. Where I can find the family book of him? If any book does exist. In Kostroma or in St. Petersburg?
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

There was no family book which follows a family from place to place. However, when a family was moving to another place they should be registered. A sort of family book (ревизская сказка) should be written with information about all arrived to a new place family member. It was stored in a sort of city administration.

Also, there are were state revisions (last with saved personal information is dated by 1858). Cities after 1858 sometimes organized such local revisions. They are also located in fonds of city administration.

Finally, you could find the information in Kostroma and St. Petersburg as well, the question is about date.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.

Сообщений: 40
На сайте с 2014 г.
Рейтинг: 1
Thank you for your answer, Andrey!

Hm...okay. Now I have to check the certificates of the births again, if I find information about the year.

Okay I found a notice in a birth certificate in 1868 about this church:

Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497
Hi, I am not sure which church is of your interest, but you should look its books here: http://spbarchives.ru/web/grou...h=wUYGF02Y

P.S. Sorry for the late response.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.
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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
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