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Вагнер и Керн из Гларуса / Wagner & Kern from Glarus

Ищу информацию о семье Вагнер из Гларуса (Георгиевка, Марксовский р-н Саратовской обл.)

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
ушел из жизни 26.02.2019 года. Светлая память!


алейск алтай
Сообщений: 3014
На сайте с 2011 г.
Рейтинг: 2348
Мэйл Артура Вагнера, потомка из Гларус grawin@t-online.de
Его родословная http://www.myheritage.de/site-...lie-wagner
Pedigree of A. Wagner from Glarus
Иванов -воспитанник Московского Воспитательного дома, учителя Ярославки,Тастубы,Месягутово,Миасса,Москвы .А также Жаворонковы, Кочушковы, Козьмины ,Масленниковы Златоустовского уезда
FTDNA 249066. R1a-YP310* YF06830

Franksville, Wisconsin, USA
Сообщений: 6
На сайте с 2013 г.
Рейтинг: 6

I apologize for communicating in English but it is all I know. Thanks to all who have replied so quickly to me. I am encouraged, but sadly, have not found any information to substantiate a connection. I have been creating a family history for many years and due to all the upheaval in the Volga region, I have been unable to find much on my grandfather Nicholaus Wagner's side. He came to the United States in 1913 as did his sister Emelie, her husband Levin Kern, and their two children Emma and Hermina. This is what I do know: Their parents were Heinrich and Marie (Unterberg) Wagner. My cousin has a portrait of the two and their names are on the back. A brother, Peter Wagner, also came in 1913 and I understand he did not like it here so he returned to his wife Marie in Glarus. They came from a large family and each child was taught a trade. My grandfather was a sausagemaker, and his sister Emelie was a dressmaker. They communicated with their family in Glarus for as long as they could and tried to help them through the Lutheran Aid Society. My cousin has original baptism and emmigration papers and the name on them is Johannes Wagner. The story we were told is that Nicholaus wanted to leave the country to avoid serving in the military. He used his younger brother's birth certificate so he could leave. I know most of the families were killed or deported, but I am hoping I could find any additional information. I see a lot of information that people have suggested I check into, but honestly, I am having a hard time understanding it all due to my unfamiliarity with the language and region. Any help you can give me would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Cindy Friese

Еще раз прошу прощения за английский - и спасибо всем, кто мне так быстро ответил. Я вдохновлена, но пока установить связь не получается, к сожалению. Я много лет занимаюсь семейной историей, но из-за бурных событий на Волге не смогла найти много материала по линии деда Николауса Вагнера. Все, что я знаю - это что он прибыл в США в 1913 г. с сестрой Эмилией, ее мужем Левином Керном и их двумя дочерьми Эмма и Гермина. Их родителями были Генрих и Мария (Унтерберг) Вагнер. У моего кузена есть их фото с именами на обороте. Брат Питер Вагнер тоже приехал в 1913 г., но ему тут, похоже, не понравилось и он вернулся в Гларус к своей жене Марии. Они родились в большой семье, каждого ребенка учили какому-то ремеслу. Мой дед был колбасником, его сестра Эмилия портнихой. Они, сколько могли, поддерживали связь с сембей в Гларусе и пытались помочь им через Общество лютеранской помощи. У моего двоюродного брата есть оригинальные метрики и иммиграционные документы, там стоит имя Иоганна Вагнера. Нам говорили, что Николаус хотел уехать, чтобы избежать службы в армии. Он смог уехать по метрике своего младшего брата. Я знаю, что бОльшая часть семьи была уничтожена или депортирована, но надеюсь, что можно найти какую-нибудь дополнительную информацию. Я вижу, что информацию можно искать, но мне трудно во всем этом сориентироваться из-за незнания языка. Я буду признательна за любую помощь.
I am looking for Wagner, Kern from Glarus
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

Please, provide us with a list of you ancestors in a following way:

1. Person name. B&D dates (exact or tentative). Date of immigration and/or emigration.
2. Person name. B&D dates (exact or tentative). Date of immigration and/or emigration.
3. Person name. B&D dates (exact or tentative). Date of immigration and/or emigration.

Then show family ties.

It will help a lot to us to get an idea about your family an, in turn, will help us to perform a more accurate search for you.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.
ушел из жизни 26.02.2019 года. Светлая память!


алейск алтай
Сообщений: 3014
На сайте с 2011 г.
Рейтинг: 2348
Мне написал Артур Вагнер -он с Синди связался и думаю поможет.
Иванов -воспитанник Московского Воспитательного дома, учителя Ярославки,Тастубы,Месягутово,Миасса,Москвы .А также Жаворонковы, Кочушковы, Козьмины ,Масленниковы Златоустовского уезда
FTDNA 249066. R1a-YP310* YF06830

Franksville, Wisconsin, USA
Сообщений: 6
На сайте с 2013 г.
Рейтинг: 6
Dear Andre:

I tried to figure out a way to make this easy to understand and do not think I accomplished it. I started with the oldest known relative in Glarus, Russia and continued the relationships to me. If it does not make sense please let me know.

1. Heinrich Wagner b. unknown d. unknown lived in Glarus, Russia married to:
2. Marie Unterberg Wagner b. unknown d. unknown lived in Glarus, Russia
Known children:
3. Johannes Wagner b. unknown d. unknown lived born in Glarus, Russia
4. Peter Wagner b. around 1879 d. unknown lived in Glarus, Russia (I) 13 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure Bremen, Germany on ship Cassel, no record of return to Russia, just what family members told me. Married to ( 7.) Marie Wagner living in Glarus, Russia
5. Emelie Wagner b. 06 Aug 1888 in Glarus, Russia d. 06 Aug 1888 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin (I) immigration 5 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure: Bremen, Germany on ship Brandenberg. Married to (8.) Levin Kern
6. Nicholaus Wagner b. 17 Jul 1893 in Glarus, Russia d. 8/13/1963 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin 09 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure: Bremen, Germany on ship Cassel (name on registry is Johannes Wagner) Married to: (11). Clara Lindert
Known relationships:
7. Marie Wagner, living in Glarus, Russia Wife of Peter Wagner
8. Levin Kern b. 09 Feb 1888 Glarus, Russia d. 27 August 1974 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin married to Emelie Wagner in Glarus, Russia on 19 Jan 1910.
(I): 5 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure: Bremen, Germany on ship Brandenberg.
9. Emma Kern b. 19 Nov 1910 in Glarus, Russia, d. 30 August 1989 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin (I): 5 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure: Bremen, Germany on ship Brandenberg. Daughter of Emelie Wagner Kern and Levin Kern.
10. Hermina Kern b. 13 January 1913 Glarus, Russia d. 4 July 1996 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. (I): 5 May 1913 Baltimore, Maryland, port of departure: Bremen, Germany on ship Brandenberg. Daughter of Emelie Wagner Kern and Levin Kern.
11. Clara Lindert b. 26 October 1899 in Silesia, Germany d. 7 Mar 1977 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin married to Nicholaus Wagner in Detroit, Michigan 9 June 1919 (I): 2 May 1908 New York, NY
12. Olga Wagner b. 04 May 1920 in Detroit, Michigan d. 31 Jan 1996 in Plymouth, Wisconsin, daughter of Nicholaus Wagner and Clara Lindert married Clarence Grafenstein 15 June 1941 One son, Van Grafenstein*
13. Rita Wagner b. 07 Dec 1924 d. 24 Oct 2000 daughter of Nicholaus Wagner and Clara Lindert, married Walter Joseph Friese Jr. on 9 October 1946.
Three children, Claudia, Walter Joseph, and Cindy Friese (me!)

* My Uncle Clarence Grafenstein's father David Grafenstein was born in Zurich, Russia (I believe this is a settlement close to Glarus on the Volga River). b. 26 Mar 1890 in Zurich d. 18 Apr 1963 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin married to Emilie Lutz b. 02 Oct 1893 in Anders, Russia married 25 December 1912 Christ Hichelman Eben-Aiden Lutheran Church in Zurich, Russia

Many German Russians from that area settled in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Thanks again for your help, you cannot know what this means to me.

Cindy Friese
I am looking for Wagner, Kern from Glarus
Модератор раздела

Днипро (бывш. Днепропетровск)
Сообщений: 7374
На сайте с 2008 г.
Рейтинг: 4274

That's what my american DNA-"cousin" told me about her search for her ancestors:

I'd be happy to help with US Citizenship and Immigration Services. What you need to know is how to address an inquiry to get copies of a person's immigration application, is that correct?

If so, it can be done online. It is a multi-step process:

- First you will need to do an "Index Search Request" to find out if a file exists for your person. You will need to know his or her name, date of birth, and country of birth.

- If a file exists, then you will need to obtain the exact file number (or numbers, if there are more than one) for the person you are interested in. You will probably have to make a request for the number(s) and then wait for it/them to be sent to you by regular mail.

- Then you make ANOTHER request, using the exact file number(s) for your immigrant AND your Case ID number (they will assign this you), back on the same website.

There is a charge, but you can pay online with a credit card - it's pretty convenient. I think it took about 60 days total for me to receive my grandparents' files. In my case it was definitely worth doing - in the files were photographs, copies of birth certificates, and in my grandfather's case, a document from the hospital where his first wife died stating when she passed away and the details of her illness (I guess he had to prove he was not a polygamist.) It was a lot more than I expected to get!

Here is the link to the website: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/si...2ca60aRCRD

And here is more information about the process: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/si...2ca60aRCRD
Глушак (Брянск.) Ковалев, Федосенко (Могилевск.)
Оглотков (Горбат. у. НГГ) Алькин Жарков Кульдишов Баландин (Симб. губ.)
Клышкин Власенко Сакунов Кучерявенко (Глухов)
Кириченко Бондаренко Белоус Страшный (Новомоск. Днепроп.)
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

Cindy1955 написал:
I tried to figure out a way to make this easy to understand and do not think I accomplished it.

It helps a lot. Thanks.

Here is a copy of email that I send to you with a couple of docs, which are to big to be attached here.

Please find a couple of docs, which I found at MyHeritage web-site. I have a subscription and I was able to download it.

The information from docs is different (slightly) from what you wrote at VGD.ru forum. I do not know did you use archives in your research but I want to give these docs to you. The docs are from US Census 1930 and 1940. I think Peter Wagner is not your relative, but this person is the closest person with data you gave me.

An important question when (approximately) Peter Wagner has returned to Russia. I was not able to find an exact date of Peter's arrival to US. It might help a lot, since his official name could be different from what you think. For example, my ancestors with polish root were living in England about 1915-1930. Their last names (Bujanowki) are very common in Poland, but in docs their last names are written as Bonianovsky.

About Peter. With information you gave me I have looked at the database of Stalin's terror victims.
Here is: Peter Andrey Wagner, 1878-1838б killed. Andrey is the name of his father but during USSR epoch, it was a normal thing when people change their names in order either to escape from terror or save their own family.

To do more, we need more information. Do you have any photos? It was a common in Russia to make notes on photos with dates, places and names. In addition, there could be a sign of a photo company where a photo was created. If you have something like this, it might help you.

With best regards, Andrey Maslennikov

In addition, I would suggest to collect as much information as possible from US archives. I know that they are organized well, especially immigration docs, so most probably you will be able to find an exact dates and so on. All records are not digitized yet so an inquiry to archive may be required.

The problem is Russia is that due to stupid communistic government our archives are very poorly organized. This implies that in general you need to know an exact number of a folder in archive and archive as well, to get information what you want to get.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.
Модератор раздела

Днипро (бывш. Днепропетровск)
Сообщений: 7374
На сайте с 2008 г.
Рейтинг: 4274

Andrey Maslennikov написал:
Peter Andrey Wagner, 1878-1838б killed. Andrey is the name of his father but during USSR epoch, it was a normal thing when people change their names in order either to escape from terror or save their own family.
Well, I think Andrey could very well be the Russian version of Heinrich.

It would be great to look in his KGB file... Is it possible for foreigners? For my american "cousin" I sent inquiries from here.
Глушак (Брянск.) Ковалев, Федосенко (Могилевск.)
Оглотков (Горбат. у. НГГ) Алькин Жарков Кульдишов Баландин (Симб. губ.)
Клышкин Власенко Сакунов Кучерявенко (Глухов)
Кириченко Бондаренко Белоус Страшный (Новомоск. Днепроп.)
Andrey Maslennikov
Модератор раздела

Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 4213
На сайте с 2010 г.
Рейтинг: 2497

kbg_dnepr написал:
Well, I think Andrey could very well be the Russian version of Heinrich.

I am not sure, since Heinrich is a common name, well known in Russia. In addition, there are about 5 people with Heinrich as their middle name who were killed.

kbg_dnepr написал:
It would be great to look in his KGB file... Is it possible for foreigners? For my american "cousin" I sent inquiries from here.

In this situation it is impossible. It could be possible if a letter will be written in Russian language, if a person will provide all docs, which are proof a direct relationship with a person which profile is requested and if the US Embassy in Moscow will provide some kind of supporting letter.

Another way, that might works is that someone from Russia, will send a request asking about a particular repressed person. In this case they will at least answer and provide some general information about a requested person and his family. This is possible. Anyway, since this archive is under the regulations of the Federal Security Service they could decline any access to a particular profile due to secrecy reasons.
Уважаемые новички! Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы на форуме, а не в "Личных сообщениях".
Список фамилий по которым веду поиск: ссылка.


Сообщений: 843
На сайте с 2011 г.
Рейтинг: 3269

Cindy1955 написал:
* My Uncle Clarence Grafenstein's father David Grafenstein was born in Zurich, Russia (I believe this is a settlement close to Glarus on the Volga River). b. 26 Mar 1890 in Zurich d. 18 Apr 1963 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin married to Emilie Lutz b. 02 Oct 1893 in Anders, Russia married 25 December 1912 Christ Hichelman Eben-Aiden Lutheran Church in Zurich, Russia

Cindy1955, Вам известны предки Давида Грефенштейна, рожденные до 1857 года?

You are aware of the ancestors of David Grafenstein, which were born until 1857?

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
Генеалогический форум » Message board » People and ancestors search in Russia » For English speaking users; Für Deutschsprechende » Вагнер и Керн из Гларуса / Wagner & Kern from Glarus [тема №52139]
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