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Вниз ⇊

Martinoff (Мартынов)

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov

Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 1
I have to learn english....

Сообщений: 45
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Рейтинг: 1

Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
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page 10

I think I have it- can you confirm?

Year 1730 Riga!


Maybe one day somebody will be able to tell me who this Martinoff in Riga was!



Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 1
I didn t undestand this one:

If it is a half shaved head (Which I strongly believe it is)
...what pride does one have to have/have to demonstrate,

to commemorate the occasion with a photograph of oneself!

His eye on the corresponding side is seemingly blue ......in the process of healing!...."

F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

Сообщений: 247
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 14
1730 Riga

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 1
Thanks- I have it, but Im still not translated it 101.gif From which book is it?
F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

Сообщений: 247
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 14
The interesting thing for me is

1729 my ancestor was released from "war-prison"
and allowed to settle anywhere in the Russian Empire at his choosing!

1730 the City of Riga complained about an Obristlieutenant (подпол) Martinoff who took 458 Ruthen of Land at the Old castle, but didn't pay taxes!

1733 there is an Obristleutenant (подпол) Martinoff in charge of Duenamuende!

This could be possible, or just a coincidence !!!????

Список комендантов крепости Усть-Двинск.

1723 полк Кропотов
1724 подпол Козлов
1725 полк Тыртов
1729 полк Хрущев
1731 полк Румянцев
1733 подпол Мартынов
1734 подпол Лавров
1742 ген-лейт Бибиков
1756 полк Бильс
1765 полк. Веиган
1797 полк Шилинг
1803 гн.-май. Кононович
1813 г.-л. Бриземан фон Неттин
1814 подп. Клемене
1815 полк. Будденброк
1817 подп. Зотов
1827 полк. Игнатьев
1830 Под. Мандерштерн


F. Martinoff

F. Martinoff

Сообщений: 247
На сайте с 2006 г.
Рейтинг: 14
Aktenstücke und Urkunden zur Geschichte der Stadt Riga 1710-1740. Bd. 2, 1725-1740


Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 1
nice! cray.gif

Сообщений: 45
На сайте с 2012 г.
Рейтинг: 1
I didn t know this:

1729 my ancestor was released from "war-prison"
and allowed to settle anywhere in the Russian Empire at his choosing!

1730 the City of Riga complained about an Obristlieutenant (подпол) Martinoff who took 458 Ruthen of Land at the Old castle, but didn't pay taxes!

And "1733 there is an Obristleutenant (подпол) Martinoff in charge of Duenamuende!" - ????

You asked me, but I still dont have an answer...

What is "Old castl"?

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Модераторы: Gnom7, kbg_dnepr, Andrey Maslennikov
Вверх ⇈